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Harstad Kino
Kr 90,- / Gratis med festivalpass, men billett må hentes ut på Harstad Kino
Engelsk teksting

Med utgangspunkt i ideen om "hjem" som et urolig konsept, bringer dette programmet sammen fem internasjonale korte fiksjon- og eksperimentellfilmer. Disse moderne kortfilmene utforsker de fysiske og psykiske sammensetningene av det hjemlige, tilhørighet og hva det betyr å føle seg "hjemme".
Innledningen til programmet vil plassere temaet "hjem" i feministisk litteratur, diskusjon og aktivisme.

Christina Demetriou, kurator av programmet, vil besøke Harstad og introdusere programmet. Hun er en uavhengig filmprogrammerer basert i Berlin. Hun har en mastergrad i Gender and kulturstudier fra Goldsmiths , London. Hun startet og driver LUNAR, et prosjekt forpliktet til feministisk politikk og praksis, og søker å utforske nye måter å kuratere.

Se filmprogrammet nederst på siden.



Venue: Harstad Kino
NOK 90,- / Free with festival pass, but ticket will have to be collected at the venue
English subtitles and introduction in English

Beginning with the idea of ‘home’ as an uneasy concept, this programme brings together five international short fiction and experimental film works. These contemporary short films explore the physical and psychological assemblages of the domestic, belonging and what it means to feel ‘at home’.

The programme introduction will situate the theme of ‘home’ in feminist writing, discussion and activism.

Christina Demetriou, the curator of the programme, will visit Harstad and introduce the programme. She is an independent film programmer based in Berlin. She holds an MA in Gender and Culture Studies from Goldsmiths, London. She initiated and runs LUNAR, a project committed to feminist politics and practices, and seeks to explore new ways of curating.


Safety Curtain
dir. Theo Adams Company
2016 / UK / 3’

The story of a group of women trapped behind a safety curtain made of past traumas. Playing a dangerous game, they face, over and over, the damage done to them- damage caused by love, fame, infertility, loss and the male.

A Fire in My Brain That Separates Us
dir. Benjamin Ramírez Pérez
2015 / Germany / 17’

In an initially deserted room objects slowly begin to move; they are manipulated from off-screen, pulled and dragged by strings, cables or the carpet. A “ghostly” choreography emerges, with the objects taking on a life of their own, vanishing and reappearing.

dir. Erin Vassilopoulos
2016 / USA / 20’

Discharged from the hospital after a partial face transplant, Eva is struck by an insatiable curiosity about her donor, with whom she feels increasingly connected.

Woman In Deep
dir. Janicza Bravo
2016 / USA / 15’

A woman calls a suicide prevention hotline and is put on hold.

dir. Clément Tréhin-Lalanne
2014 / France / 8’


Aïssa is Congolese. To determine if she can be deported, a doctor is going to examine her anatomy.

Earlier Event: October 28
Later Event: October 28