Louisa Minkin

Installasjonsfoto på Atelier Nord fra visningen av kortfilmen “Yes to Life”, 2013 av Louisa Minkin.

Fotograf: Dok Istvan Virag

En av årets gjester er kunstner Louisa Minkin. Hun er invitert med av hovedkurator Kjetil Berge til å vise et retrospektive av et utvalg av hennes verker. Hennes program heter “>would you die for me? Happiness stained. All over”


Louisa Minkin is an artist based in London, UK. She works at Central Saint Martins, where she is a lecturer in Visual Art practices. Louisa was first a polite painter before she had a video camera thrust into her hands. Since then she learned to edit with jog shuttle and got fascinated by frame rates and time zones.

She has a process-driven methodology that is often collaborative and always transdisciplinary in approach. She works with 'prehistoric' materialities and 'post-historic' informatic cultures. She also works with gaming community employing virtual photogrammetry and vernacular 3D building in online multiplayer environments.

She was ‘Principal Investigator’ on the AHRC Networking project “Concepts Have Teeth” and its sister project in Canada “Mootookakio’ssin [Distant Awareness]”. These projects aim to connect Blackfoot people living in North America with their cultural heritage held by museums in the UK. The projects use digital imaging techniques, art-based public engagement and spatial web technologies.

Louisa is currently working on “Prisoners of Love: affect, containment and alternative futures”. The Prisoners of Love (PoL) project aims to connect UK collection items with their trans-national home peoples and bring emerging artists from diasporic communities in the UK, curators and researchers into conversation, to work responsively with complex histories and material practices, opening out extra-institutional art and archival practices in the form of artwork, story and theory.

Recent work has been included in events at ¤Ashkal Alwan, Beirut; ¤ICA, London; ¤Modern Art Oxford; and ¤CalArts, USA. She has exhibited at ¤Centre Romantso , Athens; ¤the Ritsurin Gardens, Japan; ¤The British Library, London; ¤Foxy Production, New York and ¤LLS 387, Antwerp.

Minkin studied at the Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art and New College, University of Oxford, and at The Royal College of Art (MA Painting). Awards include an Abbey Fellowship in Painting at The British School at Rome and the Art Foundation Fellowship in Painting.

NOHelene Hokland